Thursday, November 30, 2006

How can you identify a HOSER Christmas tree?
The top three ornaments are from the Hockey Hall of Fame, the Boston Red Sox and the New England Patriots. There would also be a UNH Hockey ornament if they existed.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Pink Buddha Award OK . . . OK . . . I know you are sick of my Pink (insert random onject here) posts but As I do stupid things or find other people doing stupid things worthy of recognition I just can't help myself. The Pink Buddha award is given to the dumb ass Buddhist Pet owner that I delt with at work today. Because this person is a Buddhist they fel all life is sacred (NO PROBLEM RIGHT???) WRONG!!!! Now for the most part I agree that life is sacred however when you go to the extream of not using flea and tick prevention on your dog because it kills the fleas and ticks and then have the audacity to not only be shocked that your dog now has lyme disease but be pissed at us because of how much the estimate for treatment is. Dumb Biatch . . . poor dog